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Spring 2023 Leadership Slides

Slides from the Spring 2023 Leadership Workshop on "Sustainable Leadership: Do Less with Less - Part 2."

Cheryl Kaiser, Hilary Godwin, UW ADVANCE CIC

“Sustainable Leadership: Do Less with Less - Part 2"

Spring 2023 Pre-Tenure NSF CAREER Workshop Slides

Slides from the Spring 2023 Pre-Tenure Workshop on Applying for NSF CAREER Grants.

Jess Werk, Prashanth Rajivan, Laura Prugh

"Applying for an NSF CAREER Grant Award"

Budget Management and UW Financial Transformation – What to Expect

Slide deck from ADVANCE Spring 2023 Pre-Tenure Faculty Workshop, "Budget Management and UW Financial Transformation – What to Expect"

UW ADVANCE CIC, Amanda McCracken-Roberts, Ashleigh Theberge

"Budget Management and UW Financial Transformation - What to Expect"

"Don't get mad, get equal: putting an end to misogyny in science" Article

A Nature article discussing forms of misogyny female leadership in STEM face and how to combat them.

Alison Bentley, Rachael Garrett

Dynamic Stereotypes: The "Threat" of Mid-Career Women

"Agentic but not warm: Age-gender interactions and the consequences of stereotype incongruity perceptions for middle-aged professional women"

A paper discussing the changing perceptions of women as they age and how such perceptions differ from those towards men.

Jennifer Chatman, Daron Sharps, Sonya Mishra, Laura Kray, Michael North

Dynamic Stereotypes: The "Threat" of Mid-Career Women

Winter 2023 Leadership Slides

Slides from the Winter 2023 Leadership Workshop on "Sustainable Leadership: Do Less with Less."

Eric Klavins, Andrea Woody, UW ADVANCE CIC

"Sustainable Leadership: Do Less with Less"

Winter 2023 Leadership Workshop Takeaways

Compilation of takeaways collected from the Winter 2023 Leadership Workshop on "Sustainable Leadership: Do Less with Less."


"Sustainable Leadership: Do Less with Less"

Strategies for Navigating Organizations, Departments, and Committees

Slide deck from ADVANCE Fall 2022 Pre-Tenure Faculty Workshop, "Strategies for Navigating Organizations, Departments, and Committees"

UW ADVANCE CIC, Sean Munson, Anne McCoy

"Strategies for Navigating Organizations, Departments, and Committees"

Peer Coaching Circles Overview 2022

Slide deck presented at peer coaching circle kick-off meeting. Provides an overview of the peer coaching model and distinguishes between peer coaching and peer mentoring. Includes directions for a sample peer coaching session.


Peer Coaching Kick Off 2022

Peer Coaching Circles Basics

Handout used in the annual Peer Coaching Circles /Peer Mentoring Circles launch event. Includes information on roles, meeting structure and activities, expectations, sample coaching questions, and other resources for running a peer coaching group.


Peer Coaching Kick Off 2022