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National Programs

UW ADVANCE has received numerous grants that vary in their scope but the goal is always the same: to impact the STEM academic culture and workforce, including the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in STEM, at UW and throughout the nation.

Active Grant-funded Programs


Broadening the Representation of Academic Investigators in NeuroSciences

BRAINS Website

BRAINS is designed to accelerate and improve the career advancement of neuroscience postdoctoral and assistant professors, including those from underrepresented groups. Participants build a strong sense of career self-efficacy through a combination of symposia, virtual workshops, peer networks, mentoring relationships, and career consultations over two-year periods.


2011 - present


  • Dr. Sheri Mizumori, Principal Investigator
  • Dr. Joyce Yen, Co-PI
  • Dr. Claire Horner-Devine, Co-PI

Funding Source

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health

Completed Grants with Active Websites



Visit the LIY! Website

LEAD-it-Yourself! (LiY!) is an online toolkit that enables academic institutions across the country to plan and host faculty leadership workshops. The LEAD-it-Yourself! website provides a forum in which institutions of higher education may share, customize, and rate open source leadership curricula and event planning materials with peers nationwide.


2013 - 2019


  • Dr. Eve Riskin, Principal Investigator
  • Dr. Joyce Yen, Co-PI
  • Dr. Jan Spyridakis, Co-PI

Funding Source

National Science Foundation ADVANCE Program

Interrupting Bias in the Faculty Search Process

A case study film and facilitation guide

Visit the Interrupting Bias Website

Interrupting Bias is a case study film and facilitation guide for faculty search committees. It illustrates common instances of bias that often occur during faculty hiring. The film and facilitation guide packet make it possible to disseminate this teaching tool to programs across the country. The film was first shown at the UW ADVANCE LEAD Workshop in June 2009. The case study film continues to be available online.




  • Dr. Joyce Yen, Principal Investigator
  • Coleen Carrigan Co-PI

Funding Source

Henry Luce Foundation


Promoting Equity in Engineering Relationships

Visit the PEERs Website

PEERs is a program for and by students to improve diversity at the University of Washington College of Engineering. During this grant, the PEERs program created an annual seminar exposing engineering students to factors impacting diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering, two capacity building institutes, a college of engineering climate survey, and a cadre of engineering student advocates and allies (PEERs leaders). PEERs focuses on the long-term goal of increasing the participation of all groups in engineering.


2009 - 2015


  • Dr. Ana Mari Cauce, Principal Investigator
  • Dr. Joyce Yen, Co-PI
  • Dr. Sheryl Burghstahler, Co-PI
  • Dr. Sapna Cheryan, Co-PI
  • Dr. Eve Riskin, Co-PI

Funding Source

National Science Foundation

Inactive Grant-funded Programs


Launching Academics on the Tenure-Track: an Intentional Community in Engineering

Visit the LATTICE Website

LATTICE included a professional development intervention to support early-career, post Ph.D. engineers as they navigated engineering faculty careers and a research study to understand why the intervention works. LATTICE built on the experiences of the BRAINS, WEBS, and Peer Mentoring Summits programs.


2015 - 2020


  • Dr. Joyce Yen, Principal Investigator
  • Dr. Julie Iv (NCSU), Co-PI
  • Dr. Claire Horner-Devine, Co-PI
  • Dr. Eve Riskin, Co-PI
  • Dr. Christine Grant (NCSU), Co-PI
  • Dr. Coleen Carrigan (CalPoly), Co-PI

Funding Source

National Science Foundation ADVANCE Program

On-Ramps into Academia

Transition from industry to faculty careers

Visit the On-Ramps Website

On-Ramps was a series of national workshops offered for Ph.D.s in STEM fields who were working in industry and interested in transitioning to an academic career. Speakers were individuals who had already made successful transitions into academia, and topics addressed included transferring skills and strengths to the academic environment, creating a C.V., building a research program and more.


2008- 2011


  • Dr. Eve Riskin, Principal Investigator
  • Dr. Ana Mari Cauce, Co-PI
  • Dr. Joyce Yen, Co-PI
  • Dr. Matthew O'Donnell, Co-PI
  • Dr. Suzanne Brainard, Co-PI

Funding Source

National Science Foundation ADVANCE Program


Leadership Excellence for Academic Diversity

Visit the LEAD Website

LEAD was a series of leadership development workshops for department chairs, deans, and emerging leaders in STEM offered from 2007-2009. Workshops addressed departmental and university culture and the professional development of faculty. Over 200 chairs, deans and faculty leaders from over 40+ institutions attended 3 national workshops. Past workshop materials and presentations are available online. LEAD grew out of 2 pilot national workshops, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.


2006 - 2010


  • Dr. Ana Mari Cauce, Principal Investigator
  • Dr. Eve Riskin, Co-PI
  • Dr. Joyce Yen, Co-PI

Funding Source

National Science Foundation ADVANCE Program


Women Evolving Biological Sciences

Visit the WEBS Website

WEBS was an annual three-day symposium aimed at addressing the retention of female ecologists and evolutionary biologists and issues related to the transition of women from early career stages to tenure track positions and leadership roles in academic and research settings.


2006 - 2013


  • Dr. Claire Horner-Devine, Principal Investigator
  • Dr. Joyce Yen, Co-PI
  • Dr. Samantha Forde (UCSC), Co-PI

Funding Source

National Science Foundation ADVANCE Program and DEB Program