The Mentoring-for-Leadership (MfL) program provides role models and professional development to broaden the pool of people, including women, considering academic leadership positions. This program typically features leaders who share personal reflections about their career path and, when relevant, the benefits and challenges of being a leader from a group underrepresented in their field. Once a quarter we also address a leadership topic affecting women in STEM, such as Transitioning to Leadership Roles in your Community and Salary Negotiations. Sessions are primarily offered during the academic year.
Since 2003, UW ADVANCE has held more than 180 Mentoring-for-Leadership workshops, featuring more than 185 women leaders, including center directors, chairs, and deans.
“The Mentoring for Leadership sessions were a lifeline for me as I had finally found a supportive community. When the opportunity came for me to be a leader on campus, the stories of incredible leaders helped me to view myself as a leader.”
Resources from past Mentoring-for-Leadership Workshops
Handouts and resources from topical MfL workshops.
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