ADVANCE Resource Library
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Details | Authors | Date | Related Events | |
UW center aims to fix system, 'advance' women scientists
Article from University Week on the underrepresentation of women in the academic sciences. |
Peter Kelley |
UW Policy & Procedure on Violence in the Workplace
Resource from Spring 2007 Leadership Workshop: Online policies & procedures for workplace violence at the University of Washington. |
Ways to Bring Recognition to Your Faculty
A handout with resources for chairs to award and recognize their faculty from the 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008 & 2009 LEAD workshop. (mentoring faculty) |
What are the Biggest Challenges You've Faced as a Female Leader?
The Chronicle of Higher Education posed that question to several current and former college presidents. These are their stories of confronting - and overcoming - biases and stereotypes. UW Computer or Chronicle of Higher Education subscription is required |
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Resource from Spring 2004 Leadership Workshop: Influential personal essay illuminating how racial privilege plays out in ways that are not obvious. |
Peggy McIntosh |
Why Large Scale Initiatives: An NSF (Federal) Perspective
Resource from the Building Successful Large Scale Initiatives Workshop: Topics include the American Competitiveness Initiative, university and faculty perspectives, etc. |
Larry Dalton |
Work/Life Balance for Faculty: Research and Recommendations on Family-Friendly Policies and Practices
Folding brochure with summaries of policies. (work-life balance) |
Work/Life Balance Policies & Practice for Faculty
A handout used in the 2007 LEAD workshop with a summary of the policy guide contents and a list of the schools from the Family-Friendly Policies for Faculty Guide developed from the 2005 National Leadership Workshop. () |
Working Effectively with the Dean
A handout from the 2009 LEAD workshop with tips for department chairs to work with deans (policy) |
David Malik, Douglas Lees |
Working with Department Chairs at the University of Washington
Covers quarterly leadership workshops, cross-department cultural change, and 1 to 1 visits with department chairs. |
Ana Mari Cauce |