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UW center aims to fix system, 'advance' women scientists

Article from University Week on the underrepresentation of women in the academic sciences.

Peter Kelley

UW Policy & Procedure on Violence in the Workplace

Resource from Spring 2007 Leadership Workshop: Online policies & procedures for workplace violence at the University of Washington.


Ways to Bring Recognition to Your Faculty

A handout with resources for chairs to award and recognize their faculty from the 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008 & 2009 LEAD workshop. (mentoring faculty)


What are the Biggest Challenges You've Faced as a Female Leader?

The Chronicle of Higher Education posed that question to several current and former college presidents. These are their stories of confronting - and overcoming - biases and stereotypes. UW Computer or Chronicle of Higher Education subscription is required


White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack

Resource from Spring 2004 Leadership Workshop: Influential personal essay illuminating how racial privilege plays out in ways that are not obvious.

Peggy McIntosh

Why Large Scale Initiatives: An NSF (Federal) Perspective

Resource from the Building Successful Large Scale Initiatives Workshop: Topics include the American Competitiveness Initiative, university and faculty perspectives, etc.

Larry Dalton

Work/Life Balance for Faculty: Research and Recommendations on Family-Friendly Policies and Practices

Folding brochure with summaries of policies. (work-life balance)


Work/Life Balance Policies & Practice for Faculty

A handout used in the 2007 LEAD workshop with a summary of the policy guide contents and a list of the schools from the Family-Friendly Policies for Faculty Guide developed from the 2005 National Leadership Workshop. ()


Working Effectively with the Dean

A handout from the 2009 LEAD workshop with tips for department chairs to work with deans (policy)

David Malik, Douglas Lees

Working with Department Chairs at the University of Washington

Covers quarterly leadership workshops, cross-department cultural change, and 1 to 1 visits with department chairs.

Ana Mari Cauce