
Wed, 04/24/2024 | OAP Blog
OAP Blog highlights UW ADVANCE leadership workshop on service workload equity
The Office of Academic Personnel recently highlighted UW ADVANCE’s work to support faculty leadership development in an article on the Winter 2023 ADVANCE Leadership Workshop. This workshop, which was held in conjunction with the Opportunities in Leadership Program, focused on designing faculty service workload systems to support faculty mentoring, evaluation, promotion, and equity.

Tue, 10/10/2023 | UW News
Fostering a more diverse faculty: How the new Vice Provost for Academic Personnel aims to build an office of ‘Faculty Success’
Fred Nafukho, the newly appointed Vice Provost for Academic Personnel, aims to transform the Office of Academic Personnel into the office of “Faculty Success.” UW ADVANCE will be a partner in OAP’s faculty success efforts focused on intentional faculty retirement, development, retention.

Wed, 11/09/2022
UW ADVANCE Director, Joyce Yen, Quoted in Viewpoint Magazine
UW ADVANCE Director Joyce Yen offers insight on the power of community in the article “At Home on Campus,” featured in the Fall 2022 issue of UW Viewpoint Magazine. She emphasizes that community provides strength in structural change, specifically with the aims of diversifying STEM fields.

Mon, 11/07/2022
Professor Eve Riskin, Founding Director of UW ADVANCE, is now at Stevens Institute of Technology
Eve Riskin, UW ADVANCE Founding Faculty Director, reflects on her path to becoming an advocate for equity in higher education, for students and faculty alike, as she transitions to Dean for Undergraduate Education at Stevens Institute of Technology. In her new role, Professor Riskin will seek to understand why certain students are less likely to graduate and how to ensure more students complete their Stevens education.

Tue, 02/08/2022
Joyce Yen Honored with Presidential Mentoring Award
UW ADVANCE Director, Joyce Yen was recently recognized with the 2021 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM). PAESMEM recognizes exceptional mentors and their contributions in furthering the future of the U.S. science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce.

Mon, 11/15/2021 | UW College of Engineering
Promoting Equity in Engineering: PEERs Program Continues to Impact CoE Alumni
The PEERs (Promoting Equity in Engineering Relationships) Program was co-created by UW ADVANCE in 2009 to empower engineering students to be change agents and examine how engineering is impacted by diversity, equity, and inclusion. Years later three engineering alumni reflect on the impact of PEERs on their work as engineers and scientists.

Mon, 10/04/2021
Dr. Eve Riskin returns to UW ECE with big plans for STARS
In this UW ECE feature, UW ADVANCE Faculty Director Eve Riskin shares what’s next for her as she returns the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering after 15 years in a college leadership position. In addition to taking on a leadership role in the department, she also has big plans for the STARS program.

Mon, 05/24/2021
ADVANCE featured in UW Engineering article celebrating 20 years of supporting women faculty in STEM
UW Engineering article highlights ADVANCE’s contributions over the past 20 years to supporting women faculty and promoting diversity and equity in STEM at UW.

Fri, 02/26/2021
Best Colleges quotes UW ADVANCE Director Joyce Yen in article on DEI strategies in STEM
In the Best Colleges article, "Achieving Diversity and Inclusion in College STEM", UW ADVANCE Director Joyce Yen offers insight into colleges' diversity efforts and the cultural change required in STEM.

Wed, 12/30/2020
The LATTICE Team's article appears in the Nov. 2020 issue of ASEE's Prism Magazine
The LATTICE Team's article "Diversity and Inclusion Begins with Trust" appears in the Last Word column of the Nov. 2020 issue of ASEE's Prism Magazine.

Wed, 09/09/2020
Professor Eve Riskin receives Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring
UW ECE professor Eve Riskin has been the associate dean of diversity and access in the UW College of Engineering for the past six years. She recently received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM), which represents the highest national honor bestowed by the U.S. government upon mentors who work to expand STEM talent.

Thu, 08/06/2020
ADVANCE Faculty Director Dr. Eve Riskin wins 2020 PAESMEM Award
Dr. Eve Riskin, UW ADVANCE Faculty Director, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Associate Dean of Diversity and Access in the College of Engineering, has been awarded one of only fifteen prestigious 2020 PAESMEM Awards (Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring). The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), with the National Science Foundation (NSF), has named 12 individuals and 3 organizations as recipients. PAESMEM recognizes outstanding efforts of mentors in encouraging the next generation of innovators and developing a science and engineering workforce that reflects the diverse talent of America.

Mon, 07/27/2020
BRAINS publishes new paper in Race Ethnicity and Education
In a publication in Race Ethnicity and Education, the BRAINS team explores how counterspaces created by the BRAINS program help strengthen participants' access to their community cultural wealth. (July 2020)

Tue, 07/21/2020
The UW BRAINS program receives a Sloan Foundation grant to develop an online directory for neuroscientists from underrepresented groups
The UW BRAINS program receives a Sloan Foundation grant to develop an online directory for neuroscientists from underrepresented groups (July 2020)

Tue, 07/14/2020
Joyce Yen, Sapna Cheryan, and Lindsey Muszkiewicz contribute to #17 in Politico Magazine’s How to Redesign the World
UW ADVANCE Director Joyce Yen, UW Professor Sapna Cheryan, and UW undergraduate Lindsey Muszkiewicz discuss how coronavirus pandemic is a change to reimagine accessible learning with the benefit of remote learning.

Thu, 03/12/2020
Laboratory Equipment conducts Q&A on diversity with Joyce Yen
UW ADVANCE Director Joyce Yen is featured in Laboratory Equipment’s monthly Women in Science feature. She answers questions about boosting diversity in STEM fields and improving the evaluation process for an astronomy fellowship competition.

Wed, 03/04/2020
Workshop looks to help female STEM faculty
In this Murray State News article, Professor Maeve McCarty, the director of Murray State’s ADVANCE program, describes the importance of UW ADVANCE Faculty Director Eve Riskin’s “When to Say Yes and How to Say No” workshop at Murray State University.

Wed, 03/04/2020
UW ADVANCE Faculty Director Eve Riskin Offers Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities Female STEM Faculty Face
This WKMS NPR article highlights UW ADVANCE Faculty Director Eve Riskin trip to Murray State University to offer a workshop that addressed challenges faced by female faculty in STEM.

Tue, 01/07/2020
UW Notebook interviews PI Sheri Mizumori about supporting diversity and inclusion in neuroscience through the BRAINS program.
UW Notebook interviews PI Sheri Mizumori about supporting diversity and inclusion in neuroscience through the BRAINS program. (January 2020)

Tue, 12/10/2019
Nature Astronomy publishes comment piece on addressing bias in evaluation by UW ADVANCE Director Joyce Yen
In this comment piece, Dr. Joyce Yen describes a case study in which she worked with the Heising Simons Foundation to reduce bias in a postdoctoral fellowship program’s evaluation process. The article discusses six changes to the in-person review process and argues for moving from good intentions to truly inclusive processes to advance diversity in STEM.

Tue, 11/19/2019
UW ADVANCE Director Joyce Yen share strategies for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM
In this blog post, Dr. Joyce Yen encourages each of us to ask ourselves “Where can I influence DEI [diversity, equity, and inclusion] in STEM.” She argues that advancing DEI is a leadership issue both on a personal and structural level. She offers four strategies everyone can take to be active supporters and advocates of DEI in STEM.

Thu, 11/14/2019
BRAINS is diversifying academic leadership in neuroscience
National program positively impacts retention of over 150 neuroscientists from underrepresented groups (November 2019)

Tue, 06/25/2019
UW ADVANCE Director Joyce Yen helps improve selection process for Heising-Simons Foundation's 51 Pegasi b fellowship program
At a members meeting for members of the Science Philanthropy Alliance, Joyce Yen shared research on the consequences of bias and effective ways to address it. The Heising-Simons Foundation discussed how to restructure it's fellowship program, using these insights, to become more inclusive and equitable.

Wed, 06/19/2019
ADVANCE Director Dr. Joyce Yen Receives the WEPAN Inclusive Culture and Equity Award
Dr. Joyce Yen was awarded the 2017 Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN) Inclusive and Equity Award for her work in promoting positive change to the climate and culture for women in engineering. WEPAN Awards honor key individuals, programs, and organizations for accomplishments that demonstrate extraordinary service, significant achievement, model programs, and exemplary work environments that promote a culture of inclusion and the success of women in engineering.

Sat, 11/03/2018
BRAINS team publishes in Science on mentoring models.
BRAINS discusses the value of peer mentoring in a letter published in Science. (November 2018)