ADVANCE Resource Library
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Fall 2012 Leadership Workshop Resource: Class A Bulletin 125 on Diversity in Faculty Hiring and Promotion-Approved Amendment
Copy of approved UW Faculty Code amendment regarding diversity as related to faculty hiring and promotion. Referenced during the ADVANCE Fall 2012 Leadership Workshop, Recruiting and Hiring for Inclusive Excellence. |
UW Faculty Senate |
"Recruiting and Hiring for Inclusive Excellence" |
Negotiating Up
Slide show on negotiating for resources, faculty searches and start-up, working with the provost, and managing up. |
Mary Lidstrom |
"Managing a Budget" |
Excellence and Diversity in Faculty Recruitment
Resource from Fall 2007 Leadership Workshop: Two pages on expanding your applicant pool, search committees, biases and assumptions, and best fit vs. "best in field." |
"The Email Vortex: It Could Happen to You, Too!", "Recruitment and Retention of Under-Represented Faculty" |
College of Education Diversity Recruitment and Retention
Resource from Fall 2007 Leadership Workshop: Case study of CoE department efforts and processes for recruiting and retaining diverse faculty. |
Patricia Wasley |
"The Email Vortex: It Could Happen to You, Too!", "Recruitment and Retention of Under-Represented Faculty" |
Workshop Agenda - Second National Leadership Workshop for SEM Department Chairs
Resource from Summer 2005 LW/LEAD: Includes topics such as data on underrepresented faculty, Implicit Association Test, recruitment/ retention toolkits, dual career hiring, etc. |
"Data and Background on Underrepresented Faculty", "Implicit Association Test", "Recruitment Toolkit and Strategies", "Career Hiring" |
Implicit Association Test
Resource from Summer 2005 LW/LEAD: Short slide show on the Implicit Association Test with results from ADVANCE and IAT researchers compared. |
Anthony Greenwald, Natarajan Sriram |
"Data and Background on Underrepresented Faculty", "Implicit Association Test", "Recruitment Toolkit and Strategies", "Career Hiring" |
Faculty Search Committee Packet Content
Resource from Fall 2004 Leadership Workshop: List of contents including material on bias and assumptions, the bottom line and diversity, faculty searches, new hires, etc. |
"Welcome Outcomes from the June NSF Site Visit", "Institutional Trasformation and Department Cultural Change", "Search Committees and Recruitment" |
Workshop Agenda - Nov 2, 2004
Agenda from Fall 2004 Leadership Workshop: Topics include institutional transformation and department cultural change, and search committees and recruitment. Speakers include: Karen DePauw, Graduate Dean, Michael Brown, Denice Denton, Ron Irving, Blake Hannaford. |
"Welcome Outcomes from the June NSF Site Visit", "Institutional Trasformation and Department Cultural Change", "Search Committees and Recruitment" |
Faculty Hiring: Diversity and Excellence Go Hand in Hand
Resource from Spring 2004 Leadership Workshop: Two page handout supplementing the UW Faculty Retention Toolkit with additional suggestions. |
"Deconstructing the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 Recruitment Seasons", "Data and Background on Underrepresented Faculty", "Overview of the Cross-Department Cultural Change Program", "Recruiting for Diversity" |
Diversity Websites for Advertising Job Announcements
Resource from Spring 2004 Leadership Workshop: One page handout with UW employment policies and a list of useful websites for placing job announcements. |
"Deconstructing the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 Recruitment Seasons", "Data and Background on Underrepresented Faculty", "Overview of the Cross-Department Cultural Change Program", "Recruiting for Diversity" |