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Event: Webinar: Debriefing and Auditing Completed Faculty Searches

Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 3:30 – 5pm PDT

UW ADVANCE and the Office for Faculty Advancement are partnering to offer a Spring Webinar on best practices for debriefing and auditing completed faculty searches.

Your search doesn’t end when the preferred candidate accepts the offer–you still need to review your process and weigh the success of its various stages. Which aspects worked well? And which aspects need improvement? In this webinar, we demonstrate strategies for anchoring your debriefing in the five major decision points of every search: the large pool, the preliminary interviews, the final interviews, the offers, and the hire. We then present a case study of a more comprehensive audit of a completed search, which involves the detailed analysis of one or more of its specific elements. Both practices, debriefing and auditing, will help your unit learn from its recent experiences and better prepare for the next hiring season.


  • Chadwick Allen, UW Office for Faculty Advancement
  • Joyce Yen, UW ADVANCE Center for Institutional Change
  • Sapna Cheryan, UW Department of Psychology
To access the event handouts, click on the link below.
