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Event: "Detox Your Department: Handling & Managing Your Faculty"

Tuesday, March 7, 2017, 10:30am – 1pm PST

This workshop aims to help department chairs and other unit leaders navigate and address toxic work environments created by faculty where there is no direct violation of a policy, but the behavior has a negative impact on the unit culture, productivity, retention, and sense of belonging. In addition to hearing from representatives of various helpful UW offices, we will use case studies to explore how to navigate specific scenarios which have had toxic effects on department cultures.


  • Mike Townsend, Secretary of the Faculty, Faculty Senate, and Associate Professor, School of Law, University of Washington
  • Shelley Kostrinsky, Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Personnel, Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel, University of Washington
  • Ian Messerle, Investigation and Resolution Specialist, Compliance Services, UCIRO, University of Washington
  • Chuck Sloane, UW Ombud, Ombud Office, University of Washington
  • Chad Allen, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement, Provost Office, and Professor, English, University of Washington
To access the event handouts, click on the link below.
