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Event: "Faculty Promotions in the 21st Century"

Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 10:30am – 1pm PST

This workshop will focus on the chair’s role in effectively preparing faculty promotion and tenure cases. Some of the following question will guide our discussion:

  • What is a chair’s role in assembling a successful promotion and tenure packet?
  • How do chairs foster a transparent promotion and tenure process?
  • What does an effective chair’s letter look like? 
  • What are effective strategies to summarize and capture departmental discussion and vote on a promotion and tenure case?
  • What determines when faculty are ready (or not ready) for promotion from associate professor to full professor; and what role does the department chair play in coming to this determination?
  • How do chairs communicate use of a tenure clock extension when soliciting external letters?
  • How do chairs organize and manage joint appointment promotion and tenure packages?
  • How does the chair’s role change in a promotion to full case verses a promotion to associate professor case?

  • David Domke, Professor & Chair, Communications, University of Washington
  • Alain Gowing, Professor & Chair, Classics, University of Washington
To access the event handouts, click on the link below.
