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Pre-Tenure Faculty Workshops

UW ADVANCE offers professional development workshops for pre-tenure research and tenure-track faculty in ADVANCE departments. Offerings include an annual welcome lunch each fall and quarterly workshops on a variety of topics such as time and resource management, selecting graduate students for your lab and applying for CAREER awards. 

Since 2003, UW ADVANCE has held more than 60 Pre-Tenure Faculty Workshops featuring over 100 speakers.

Resources from past Pre-Tenure Faculty Workshops

Handouts and presentation slide decks from all prior workshops.

View Resources

Popular resources include our Welcome Lunch and Writing an NSF CAREER Grant Workshop resources.

New Faculty Welcome Lunch

Materials to orient new faculty to UW and to faculty careers.

VieW welcome Lunch Resources

Writing a CAREER Grant Workshops

Tips and advice from prior CAREER grant awardees and reviewers.

View CAREER workshop Resources

View Pre-Tenure Faculty Events

Use the back arrow button to view past events.