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SET Presentation Slides

Slides from the Winter quarter 2020 pre-tenure and mid-career faculty workshop on Student Evaluations of Teaching.

Denise Wilson

"Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) with Denise Wilson"

Finding Your Post-Tenure Pathway: How Do You Feel?

Inside Higher Education article about post-tenure life that relates to the winter 2016 mid-career faculty workshop: "It's a simple question, but it provides powerful feedback about how you experience various aspects of your work."

Kerry Ann Rockquemore

"So You Have Tenure, Now What?"

Finding Your Post-Tenure Pathway: What Do You Love

Inside Higher Education article about post-tenure life that relates to the winter 2016 mid-career faculty workshop: "As a newly tenured professor, you should consider the question as an indicator of the best direction for your energy, gifts and talents moving forward."

Kerry Ann Rockquemore

"So You Have Tenure, Now What?"

I Got Tenure, Now What?

Inside Higher Education article about post-tenure life that relates to the winter 2016 mid-career faculty workshop: An introduction to a new series of articles on how to transition successfully and enjoyably into a new status on your campus.

Kerry Ann Rockquemore

"So You Have Tenure, Now What?"

Interview Your Role Models

Inside Higher Education article about post-tenure life that relates to the winter 2016 mid-career faculty workshop: "As a newly tenured professor, you should talk with people who are doing the work you dream about to discover what it?s really like on a daily basis - and how they got where they are today."

Kerry Ann Rockquemore

"So You Have Tenure, Now What?"

Mapping Your Post-Tenure Possibilities

Inside Higher Education article about post-tenure life that relates to the winter 2016 mid-career faculty workshop: "You will have the greatest impact, influence and joy if your path emerges from deep self-understanding."

Kerry Ann Rockquemore

"So You Have Tenure, Now What?"

Mind-Set Shift for Posttenure Success

Inside Higher Education article about post-tenure life that relates to the winter 2016 mid-career faculty workshop: "The mind-sets that helped you gain tenure can silently undermine your success afterward if you don?t identify and shift them."

Kerry Ann Rockquemore

"So You Have Tenure, Now What?"

Posttenure Planning

Inside Higher Education article about post-tenure life that relates to the winter 2016 mid-career faculty workshop: "To effectively direct your career once you are tenured, you should always determine your next move, eliminate distractions and enroll other people in your vision."

Kerry Ann Rockquemore

"So You Have Tenure, Now What?"

Time to Choose Your Posttenure Pathway

Inside Higher Education article about post-tenure life that relates to the winter 2016 mid-career faculty workshop: Three ways of determining what to pursue.

Kerry Ann Rockquemore

"So You Have Tenure, Now What?"

Who Do You Think You Are?

Inside Higher Education article about post-tenure life that relates to the winter 2016 mid-career faculty workshop: "Once you gain tenure, you can be a leader on your campus in ways you might not have considered, no matter your title, role or position."

Kerry Ann Rockquemore

"So You Have Tenure, Now What?"